Bid like there's no tomorrow – so others' tomorrows will be brighter.
I've been busily ensconced in the writing cave – alternatively researching and working on my WIP manuscript and working on line edits for PERSONAL EFFECTS. With each step closer to publication of PERSONAL EFFECTS I get more excited – and more anxious. Having it “done” and out of my control feels intimidating. But also thrilling. I can hardly wait to…
Launch Day for The Liar Society!
Just a quick post to help celebrate the launch day for The Liar Society, by sisterly co-authors Lisa and Laura Roecker. I'm so happy to cheer on Lisa and Laura, and to help them launch The Liar Society in style. I posted an interview with the sisters over at The Apocalypsies blog (as part of our ongoing Eleven Up interviews…
Facebook, Shmacebook
Sigh…some of you (those of you who follow me on Facebook) might have noticed that according to Facebook, I don’t exist right now. That is because yesterday sometime between about 10am and 12:30pm, my personal profile and my author fan page were disabled, without warning. I hopped over to take a break from line edits and see what everyone was…